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Beware of scams using the names of Nedbank Limited, London Branch or N.B.S.A. Limited.

Have you received a communication claiming to be from Nedbank Limited, London Branch or N.B.S.A. Limited offering investments or services?

We are aware of scams using our name and those of our staff. These scams are usually intended to convince you to send money to the scammers or provide them with bank details or sensitive personal information. These can direct you to fraudulent websites that are using our company information to look more authentic.

Don't let fraudsters trick you – Nedbank Limited, London Branch or N.B.S.A. Limited never contacts members of the public directly to offer any services or investments, and will never use email or text messages to ask you for your bank details or sensitive personal information.

Please be aware of these scams and stay vigilant.

If you believe you have been a victim of such a scam, you should contact the relevant authorities, including Action Fraud in the UK, as soon as possible.

Legal & Regulatory

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Nedbank UK Tax Strategy

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Terms of Business for Bank Accounts and Deposits

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Best Execution Policy

Nedbank Limited, London Branch is required to establish and implement a Best Execution Policy under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) best execution regime.

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IBOR Reform

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Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024

“If you wish to receive previous versions, please contact us”.

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Complaints Management Procedure

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Summary of Conflicts of Interest Policy

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Financial Services Compensation Scheme Information Sheet

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